the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
It was a week full of great moments at Yeshiva High. Read below
about the amazing boys JV game, the largest performance yet of our
student-initiated girls choir, a ladies night out at a super
rendition of a Broadway show, and an internationally-renowned
speaker. The first half of the academic year is ending at a real
high point!
Yeshiva High-lites will appear next on Friday, January 31 due to
midterms and mid-winter break. During this time, Rabbi Horowitz and
Mrs. Kanner will be in Israel visiting the yeshivot, seminaries and
our graduates studying at them.
I wish parents, students and teachers a restful and
envigorating vacation!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Week in Review |
On Sunday, our Girls Choir performed to standing
ovations of close to 200 women at the Boca Raton Mikva Brunch.
On Monday evening, YHS' largest junior class yet and
their parents turned out for our College Kick-Off program
with Mrs. Judi Robinovitz. They received YHS' guide to the
college application process, discussed trips to look at
colleges, interviewing, essay writing, testing, and a
timetable for the 12 month process which they are presently
On Wednesday, the students heard a moving presentation by
Rabbi Groundland, "The Scottish Rabbi" of Yad L'achim about
the threat of missionaries in Israel. The YHS Tzedakah
Committee has adopted this as one of their charities.
On Wednesday evening, 45 YHS parents, students and teachers
went to see Les Miserables, which our students study in
10th grade. Most met for dinner first at a restaurant in Miami
Beach before going to the Jackie Gleason Theater to see the
show. Thanks to Mrs. Greer for organizing this enjoyable and
enriching evening.
On Thursday and Friday there were no tests and no
mishmar, to enable the students to begin studying for
On Friday morning, prolific author and entertaining speaker
Rabbi Aaron Rakefet is scheduled to speak to the entire
student body regarding the question "Was Rabbi Soloveitchik
Modern Orthodox?"
On Sunday, there is no mishmar to help the
students prepare for midterms.
The Melcer family, including alumna Shira Melcer, were
the focus of a story in the Sun Sentinel entitled,
"American Students in Israel Strive to Live as Israelis",
about the commitment of families to continue to send children
to study and visit Israel.
here to read the Sun Sentinel article »
Midterms 2003 / 5763 |
Testing Atmosphere- To create a college-like
atmosphere, the entire student body takes its exams together
at the same time. All of the school's desks are moved to the
synagogue's ballroom and set up in rows. Teachers do not
proctor their own exams so there are no questions being asked
that might disturb other students' concentration. The exams
are submitted by the teachers to the assistant principals one
week in advance for review.
A special seating chart is made up for each
exam. The chart is posted as the exam begins- the students
check on their assigned seat as they enter the room. Students
do not sit behind, in front of, or next to anyone taking the
same exam. Students who receive extra time on exams take the
exams in a different room.
Exam Schedule- Each exam day school begins with
davening, followed by breakfast and study time. The first exam
each day begins at 9:45. Students who order lunch receive it
at 11:15. The second exam begins at 12:00. Each exam is 90
minutes long. The students may leave school when they finish
the second exam.
Monday- 1st exam is Torah SheB'al Peh or Gemara; 2nd
exam is Hebrew or Beit Midrash.
Tuesday- 1st exam is History (9-11) or Jewish
History (12); There is a full faculty meeting in the
Wednesday- 1st exam is Math or Economics; 2nd
exam is Chumash.
Thursday- 1st exam is Science or Psychology; 2nd
exam is Navi.
What a Storm They Brewed Up! |
The Girls Soccer Team played three games this
week! On Monday, they played an excellent game against
Grandview Prep with Captain senior Mindy Fuchs and sophomores
Louise Jacobovitz and Shana Maikhor playing their best game of
the season. On Tuesday, they played the second best team in
the division, 900 student Pope John Paul High School in Boca.
On Thursday, with only 7 players who could play due to
injuries and tests, the girls created a Kiddush Hashem by not
forfeiting to Lake Worth Christian on the last day and playing
the game. The girls played their hearts out, with superb play
by sophomore Amada Schiff and Assistant Captain junior Shayna
Hoenig. A special yasharf koach to Manager Jana Singer and
Jenna Bienenfeld who came off the sidelines to make the game
Before the sports break at the end of December, the
team played Berean Christian. The girls played really great.
Kayla Kowal scored a goal on a penalty kick. Juniors Sara
Kaminetsky and Melissa Marder and sophomore Ilana Borzak put
forth exceptional effort.
In one of the most unbelievable basketball games in the
history of the Jewish people, the Boys Junior Varsity
Team beat Fort Lauderdale Christian Thursday night by 1
point, scored after the clock had run out! At the half, the
Storm were up by a little. By the middle of the third quarter,
we were up by a 12 point lead. Then Fort Lauderdale had a 14-0
run, putting them 2 points ahead at the end of the third
quarter. With about one minute left in the game, the Storm
were down by one point. Jon Struhl hit a running shot which
put us up by 1 point with 30 seconds on the clock. Fort
Lauderdale got control of the ball, missed a shot, and with 13
seconds left, got the ball again and scored. We called a time
out, but Ft. Lauderdale stole the ball with .1 seconds, and we
called a second time out. Jon Struhl attempted a half court
shot, but was fouled as the clock ran out. He hit the first
shot to tie up the game, missed the second shot and made the
third shot to win the game.
The Girls Varsity Basketball Team played a great
game against Florida Bible on Monday night, though they lost
38-44. With starters juniors Shira Pritzker and Dina Turetsky
on the injured list, the girls played a fantastic game. Junior
Elana Kastyl had 18 rebounds.
The Boys Varsity Basketball Team played Morningside
Academy on Thursday night. Haviv Cohen scored an awesome 30
points and Hudi Moscowitz scored a most impressive 17.
There is Life after Vacation at
return to school on the morning of Monday, January 27.
With midterms behind them, English and math teachers
will be reviewing the PSAT exam with freshmen,
sophomores and juniors with the actual test booklets and the
students' own answer sheets.
On the evening of Wednesday, January 29, Parent Teacher
Conferences will take place. From 8:30-9:30 PM, there will
be an optional College Finance Planning Seminar open to
parents of students in all grades. A sign up form can be
printed from the link on the right hand side of this page.
After filling it in, please fax or mail it to the school
10 students and faculty advisor Adam Dobrick will be
participating in Yeshiva University's Model United
Nations at the Kutschers Resort in upstate New York, which
draws 500 of the best and brightest yeshiva high school
students from throughout the US.
Rabbi Menachem Liebtag, whose expertise in Tanach
has become world renowned through his shiurim to American
students at post secondary programs in Israel and particularly
his web site, will be giving shiurim in school to the students
and teachers on Monday, February 10. That evening he will be
speaking at the Young Israel of Hollywood at a jointly
sponsored YHS/ Young Israel Adult Education Committee lecture.
On Wednesday, February 12, the Junior Class will
be having a fun evening starting with a barbeque at Rabbi
Spodek's house at 5:30 PM and a Scavenger Hunt at Town Center
Mall at 6:30 PM. Transportation details to follow.
The YHS production of the musical "Annie" will take
place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday,
February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray Beach. Director
Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have been hard at
work on what promises to be an excellent performance. Ticket
prices are $25 for premium seats, $15 for adults and $10
children ages 4- 12.
| |
Credit March of the Living Classes |
The 17 YHS students planning on
participating in this year's March of the Living mission to
Poland and Israel began meeting on Wednesday evenings at the
Jewish Federation Campus in preparation for this life-altering
experience. Students are receiving college credit for the
pre-trip course. |